The Controversy that is Barbara Gordon

So one of the things that has been circling nerdom is the DC REBOOT that is taking place in a few months (scheduled release August 31st). With the entire DC Universe being relaunched this means a fresh start for some of our favorite super heroes. One that has received a lot of controversy is our beloved Barbara Gordon.

by Phil Noto

Many know Barbara “Babs” Gordon as the iconic and original super hero Batgirl. But over the past 20+ years she has become one of the most respected and symbolic icons for the disabled community. Not only that, her strength, courage, independence, and intelligence has made her a role model for women everywhere.

This all started in 1988 when a little comic writer, (maybe you have heard of him) Alan Moore wrote one of the most influential story lines in the history of the DC Universe.

The Killing Joke was supposed to be a one-shot graphic novel. And many believe Moore did not intend to permanently cripple Barbara Gordon. But ever since she answered that door oh so long ago and was shot and tortured by the Joker she has remained paralyzed. And thus this starts her journey to become the super hacker and information broker to Batman and just about every other super hero in the DC universe. She now goes by the code name Oracle. Part of what makes this so powerful, and sad is how easy it was for DC to just use her as a plot device and toss her aside.

‘I asked DC if they had any problem with me crippling Barbara Gordon-who was Batgirl at the time-and if I remember, I spoke to Len Wein, who was our editor on the project, and he said, ‘Hold on to the phone, I’m just going to walk down the hall and I’m going to ask [former DC Executive Editorial Director] Dick Giordano if it’s alright,’ and there was a brief period where I was put on hold and then, as I remember it, Len got back onto the phone and said, ‘Yeah, okay, cripple the bitch.’ [Moore, from an interview from Wizard a few years after TKJ]

So that was that and in one graphic novel Barbara was paralyzed and left to rot in history of the ever changing and evolving DC Universe. But there was hope. Comic writer and editor Kim Yale thought that it was distasteful how Babs was treated. So her and writer(and husband) John Ostrander decided to make an identity for her all her own. One of Babs’ defining attributes was her super intelligence, and using that along with photographic memory, amazing computer skills, and that fiery spunk they created a character and icon that would remain untouched for over 20 years.

Basically untouched for over 20 years. So in a world were just about every wound no matter how severe can be healed and the dead can rise again she was still confined to the chair. She didn’t want to be in that chair but she didn’t let the chair define her. She let herself make her own destiny and in the path that she made (and some of the most amazing comic writers in the biz) she lasted the tests of time and has become a role model for men, women and the disabled community.

I’m not here to give you a history lesson on this character. I’m here to tell you WHY I care, and why I spent 2 weeks reading forums, compiling history (no matter how poor of a job I did) and hours and HOURS deciding EXACTLY how I felt about this. I am finally able to say how I feel. It took awhile because Barbara Gordon was one of MY heroes. She is MY Batgirl and one of MY role models growing up.

First let me say that I truly ADORE Cass and Steph! I can think of no other 2 ladies who wore the mantle better and were truly inspirations! I mean Cass on her own was a role model for the Asian community and showed so much inner strength and courage it was unbelievable! And Steph blew the doors down with her spunk! She truly was and is BATGIRL.

Stephanie Brown as Batgirl

Cassandra Cain as Batgirl

When I first heard Babs was getting out of the chair I was excited. I was excited for her, because I knew this was something she missed, and wanted. For her character I was excited. But part of me was also upset. She was a stronger more independent character as Oracle. Oracle was a destiny she carved for herself, and she developed such a close and respected “cool kids club” (mind you) of the super hero elite, all these allies she had made she made not under Batman’s wing. But rather with dedicated work and an immense amount of trust and respect. She never had that as Batgirl, she was always a “sidekick” or a supporting character. One of the “batkids“. Many of the voices that have cried out are upset that she will just fade back into the night, into Bruce’s shadow. Another part of what made her getting her mobility back was the fact that she is also supposed to take the cowl (this is where people go.. What about Stephanie Brown). And in her taking the cowl made me think.. “Wow are they throwing away over 20 years of this characters history?”. What about her network of super friends (heh heh). What about her crazy intellect and amazing computer skills? Are these just going to get tossed aside so she can grapple across Gotham again?! This is like TKJ all over again. Throwing away her history and everything she has worked for! Seemingly throwing away Cass and Steph, and their unique and amazing back stories and history. That is what is upsetting to me.

Also the disabled community is losing someone of immense value. There aren’t that many disabled capable and strong role models in any of the super hero universes. Let alone a woman! This is a big big BIG deal.

I guess I hope that they do this right. That they treat every character, reader, and fan with respect. Not everyone will be happy, and not everyone will understand. But if DC is rebooting the whole universe (as it seems) then yes Babs deserves to walk, but they better do it right and not throw away 20 years of what is believed to be, one of the most important characters in the DC universe.

melts my heart

side note…. thankfully Gail Simone is taking the helm of the Batgirl books… THANKFULLY!

“Oracle 1989-2011 – My first job in comics was creating covers for DC’s Birds of Prey and and over the the course of 24 issues I drew this lovely lady a lot. And then I did some brief interior work on the Cassandra Cain Batgirl and finally did the first run of covers for the Stephanie Brown incarnation. They’ve all been great Batgirls much like Steed’s partners in the Avengers. I’ve done numerous pieces of Babs as Batgirl more so for the retro iconography and the aesthetic look of the black, yellow and red then her actual persona as Batgirl. Honestly in terms of fictional characters, I always just considered her to be Oracle. I, like many others, am very sad her to see her go, but if there’s anyone to keep her spirit alive as Batgirl once again, Gail Simone is the one to do it.” (Phil Noto)

Sorry if this entry is jumbled I started writing it about 3 weeks ago… my thoughts are all over the place.

Here are some amazing interviews and discussions from both sides of the table!

-“ORACLE Is Stronger Than BATGIRL Will Ever Be”

-Gail, Jill and Babs: A Conversation about BATGIRL & ORACLE (Gail gives an interview after Jill’s heartwrentching article)

About Beauty Meow

A savage lover of all things olifactive!
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2 Responses to The Controversy that is Barbara Gordon

  1. Allyn says:

    Nice essay. 🙂

    What’s happening with Barbara is a little confusing, because people are saying to different things. Gail Simone, on the one hand, suggests that Barbara will be younger than she is now , which suggests that Killing Joke hasn’t happened yet. Then there’s an interview at Newsarama with Bob Harras and Eddie Berganza that explicitly states that Killing Joke is still in continuity in the DCnU. And Scott Snyder, in a different interview, says that the Bat-verse isn’t really changing.

    This makes me wonder if Batgirl is picking up on some ideas of Grant Morrison’s from Batman: The Return, where Bruce gives Barbara some plans for Internet 3.0 and and armored Batgirl. Could Barbara be continuing in cyberspace, but now as a cybercrimefighter, with Batgirl as her avatar? (There’s an advantage to this, too — it would make Batgirl and Batwoman less duplicative. Barbara and Kate, both redheads, both in their thirties, both wearing similar costumes, both doing the same thing. If I had to choose only one book of the two, I’d have to choose Batwoman because of J.H. Williams and Amy Reeder.)

    I hope hope hope that Steph has a role in the DCnU. Long before the current Batgirl series, she was one of the DC characters I’ve most wanted to write.

    It’s still too early to know what DC is doing. We’re still at the rumor and guesswork stage, even with the covers and the solicitation text that’s been released for the September books. We know stuff, but we don’t know what it means or how it fits together. Hopefully, over the next month, the outlines will become clearer. 🙂

    • ckrickett says:

      I have wondered if it will be her in cyberspace. I mean it would be very cool if they took that angle, but part of me thinks that it won’t happen.

      I am intrigued to think that it will be a much younger Babs, and I think that this will be the route that will have less people worried (and upset). I mean later on she would be becoming Oracle since that is her apparent destiny. So That is what I am hoping for.

      I guess we will have to just wait and see really. and YES! Steph (and Cass) better be in the DCnU somewhere!!!!

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